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Branch & Tree Genealogy Services

Victoria Woo, JD
Professional Genealogist


I became interested in my family’s history at an early age when exploring my paternal Cherokee heritage. After practicing real estate and probate law for over 25 years, I have embraced my passion for genealogy and transitioned into traditional and forensic genealogy. This has allowed me to combine by legal background with my passion for genealogy and allows me to utilize historical research and records analysis to solve mysteries of identity and heritage.

I specialize in research in Missouri, Oklahoma, Georgia, Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky as well as assisting others with uncovering their Cherokee heritage. 


Formal Education

BA, University of Arizona

JD, Southern Methodist University


National Genealogical Society

The Humble Area Genealogy Society

Georgia Genealogical Society
Kentucky Historical Society

Kentucky Genealogical Society

Missouri State Genealogical Association

Ohio Genealogical Society

Oklahoma Genealogical Society

State Historical Society of Missouri

Texas State Genealogical Society

Utah Genealogical Association

Goingsnake District Heritage Association


Professional Development

National Genealogical Society American Genealogy Studies Certificate

Salt Lake Intitute of Genealogy

Genealogy Research Institute of Pittsburgh

ProGen 55

Applied Genealogy Institute

Professional Organizations

Association of Professional Genealogists
APG - South Central Chapter (Treasurer)
APG - Forensic Genealogy Special Interest Group

APG - Writer's Special Interest Group

Lineage Certificates
First Families of the Cherokee Nation
Missouri First Families - Pioneer


Probate Research in Texas

Estate Planning for Genealogists

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